Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blessings by keeping the commandments

It has been a while! I have learned something very neat. The Lord is always watching out for us and know what we need so if we are doing what is right He can more easily give us the aid we seek from Him. I was having a hard time spiritually and I wanted to be better. I just felt I needed to be better and more committed but wanted assistance in doing that. I prayed and my heart sincerely was seeking this assistance..... Because of the desires which I had (which even desires are a gift from our Heavenly Father, because I feel that at times I don't even have the desire to do things and when I pray for the desire the Lord has blessed me with the needed desire (see Alma 32)) the Lord blessed me tremendously. First off I didn't want to go to Portland for the weekend because I wasn't feeling the best emotionally but I knew I needed to go. Satan didn't want me to because I was supposed to go to the temple. I went. My dad and I were blessed to go to the Temple for a sealing (A Temple Marriage). I have pretty bad social anxiety and waiting to go into wedding being around a bunch of people was really hard for me.... But I held out and the minute I entered the sealing room peace instantly filled me and I was blessed to feel the spirit of the Lord and to hear things that were of great benefit to me. What a marvelous gift. If we give all we can the Lord will bless us for our efforts...

Then we had a family reunion.... back track a bit, the night before the temple we stayed at my Grandmas house. We had a wonderful night there and her and I had a wonderful talk. She listened and truly wanted to know how I was doing and wanted to understand my trials and how I was dealing with them. It felt good to feel of her love and to get to talk to her. Empathy and sympathy are such wonderful gifts in this world. Any time we have the opportunity to listed to people about their lives we should listen with heartfelt intensity because people are what matter.... back to the reunion... Usually I struggle going because of my anxiety, but the Lord blessed me. I felt strength from going to the temple and keeping those covenants made there. I was blessed to talk and enjoy time with my extended family and not feel so anxious. My uncle Dennis was a great blessing in taking me under his wing a bit. My cousin Mandy and Kendra and Preston were also very helpful. Everyone there was so happy and kind and caring. We played Volleyball (one of my great loves, and my Uncle Dennis' as well. I told Him I love to dig and whenever I got a good one he would make sure to point it out!) We had a great time in the sun and playing bad mitten as well, it was a great day! To top the day off I also was blessed to get a call from a friend of mine... Friends are a great blessing in our lives, don't take them for granted....

The weekend wasn't over even. I went to church the following day and felt the spirit and felt as though the lesson in Relief Society was just for me! It is amazing how that works. That is no coincidence that is the Lord working in our lives....

This past week I read some beautiful articles that really touched me. The first one was about weakness and how they are a gift from God. We are given weaknesses so that we can through His grace come closer to him and be strengthened in overcoming/ enduring them. It is a whole new perspective! It was marvelous to be reminded that our weaknesses are not who we are, they do not define us. We have them so we can turn to the Lord and grow and learn lessons that can bring us empathy for others. We don't need to be insecure about our weaknesses we just need to remember that the Lord has overcome the world and if we seek him out He will help us with them. "Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities . . . : for when I am weak, then am I strong." I posted the talk below, it is well worth your time. It is a very refreshing perspective. A day or two after reading this talk I opened up the ensign and was in awe by the pictures in the article which led me look up pictures from the Hubble telescope, one which I posted on Pintrest and said How beautiful! How can you see this and not believe in God. Looking at the pictures I feel closer to my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful that He has given us so many witness' and reminders of Him. We don't have to look very far, you see Him in the sun and the light of it, in the trees, at the beach, when you look up at the sky, when you are around those you love (His Children). God truly wants us to be happy and have peace and joy in this life, I know that with all my heart and I challenge you to take time out of your day to be still and be around his creations or just sit in your room or go for a walk and ponder and speak to God, it will make a difference in how you feel and perceive life.


July 01, 2008
BYU Devotional
Finding Strength
in Christ

Michael D. Barnes

Michael D. Barnes was a professor of health science when this devotional address was given at BYU on 1 July 2008.
I am honored to address all who are listening today. My thoughts are directed primarily to you, my student colleagues, who represent the future of the Church and the hope of families in the world. Today we will consider how the Atonement of Christ can help us become strong in response to our God-given weaknesses. We will discover that our weaknesses are assets because they help us be humble. And when we humbly seek our Heavenly Father and are endowed with grace, we become strong in Christ. As a young Primary boy, I learned that Heber J. Grant was truly a great man. He served as president of the Church from 1918 to 1945 and was ordained an apostle at age 25. In general conference in April 2000, President James E. Faust used examples from President Grant’s life in his talk “The Power of Self-Mastery”:
Part of [President Grant’s] strength was his great determination for self-mastery. His father died when he was only a year old, and his widowed mother struggled to raise him. He was conscientious in helping her and trying to take care of her.1
President Faust quoted Roderick L. Cameron’s description of Heber J. Grant’s struggle to become proficient playing baseball:
When he was older and wanted to join a baseball team, he found the other fellows laughing at him and calling him a “sissy” because he could not throw the ball between the bases. His teammates teased him so much that one night he went home and made up his mind that he was going to play with the nine who would win the championship of the Territory of Utah. He purchased a baseball and practiced hour after hour, throwing at a neighbor’s old barn. Often his arm would ache so much he could hardly go to sleep at night. He kept on practicing, and kept on improving and advancing from one team to another until he finally did succeed in playing with the [team] who won the championship!2
Another instance of his self-mastery was his determination to have readable handwriting:
His penmanship was so poor that when two of his [friends] were looking at it one said to the other, “That writing looks like hen tracks.” “No,” said the other, “it looks as if lightning had struck an ink bottle.”3
Heber realized at that point that he could not be much good to an employer or society if he did not improve his penmanship. He practiced and worked at it persistently. Over the next few years he was offered lucrative jobs because of his superior penmanship, won first prize in a contest against professional penmen, and taught penmanship and bookkeeping at the University of Utah.
Another challenge for President Grant was singing:
When he was a small child . . . he could not carry a tune. When he was ten, a music instructor worked and worked with him, trying to teach him the simplest song and finally gave up in despair. At the age of twenty-six, when he was an apostle, he asked a Professor Sims if he could teach him how to sing. After listening to him, the professor replied, “Yes, you can learn to sing, but I would like to be forty miles away while you are doing it.”4
This only made him try harder.
President Grant once said, “I have practiced [the hymn “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”] between three and four hundred times, and there are only four lines, and I cannot sing it yet.”5
Once, on a trip to Arizona with Elder Clawson and Elder Kimball, [President Grant] asked them if he could sing one hundred songs on the way. They thought he was joking and said, “Fine, go right ahead.” After the first forty, they assured him if he sang the other sixty they would both have a nervous breakdown. He sang the other sixty.6
President Faust concluded that “by practicing all of his life he made some improvement in singing but perhaps not as much as in baseball and penmanship, which he mastered.”7
I greatly admire President Grant’s faith, courage, and determination to work on his weaknesses. And, like our living prophets on earth today, I appreciate the example of President Grant in becoming strong in Christ. President Grant often used a quote attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased.”8
Reflecting on that quote, I value President Grant’s view that our weak nature may not change but that there is a power, even a heavenly power, to do important things in spite of that weakness. If you’ll permit, I will speak of my own experience with weakness and of what I have learned from the Lord.
I have always known that I possess both strengths and weaknesses. Let me tell you about one of my weaknesses. I am often a perfectionist who becomes worried and sometimes obsessed with wanting to do well and look good. Maybe someone who has perfectionist tendencies sounds ideal, since perfectionists are known for conscientious, precise, detailed, and practical work. But while the attributes listed may appear praiseworthy, they can get in the way. Take it from someone who has been there and tried that. The problem with perfectionism is that no one is perfect now, and perfectionism creates unrealistic expectations for ourselves and others. I had to chuckle at a bumper sticker I saw the other day. It read, “I would be perfect—but I can’t seem to get the walking on water thing down.”
My weakness is based on the fear of looking bad or performing poorly. For example, as a young boy and teenager I was very tall, but my ball-handling abilities were definitely lacking. In fear of looking bad in front of my peers, I often avoided sports and physical activities unless I knew I could show a little talent—which didn’t happen very often. Also, I used to hate making phone calls—not because I was shy, but because I didn’t want to say something wrong, sound dumb, or take the chance of being seen in a bad light.
As a student in college, the attributes of the perfectionist are of benefit when revising a manuscript, yet they have no place when writing a first draft. Fear of looking bad is a pretty common tendency for many of us. But I became obsessed, anxious, and preoccupied with making sure that I was good—really good. These reactions to fear held me back at times.
I did not need to feel this way. When my weakness flared, my primary attention was on me and my performance. This inward perspective often prompted me to be critical of my work and of the work of others. It also led to sins that included being selfish, critical of others, frustrated, unloving, and impatient. My self-absorbed fear of looking bad left little room in my heart for love, joy, or peace.
Can you understand how my weakness caused pressures, stress, and trials not only for myself but also for others? While hard work and personal dedication were helpful in dealing with my weakness, only the Atonement could fully compensate for my weakness. Once I understood this, things began to change.
Let me explain. With the inspired comment of a priesthood leader, I began to more fully understand this personal weakness—the fear of looking bad. Although it was not easy to acknowledge at the time, it gave me reason to go to the Lord. I asked for help to understand my weakness, and I received many answers through the scriptures. Once the Lord began to help me understand my weakness, I began to understand the help I would need from the Lord to deal with it.
At first I prayed for the weakness to be taken away—to be removed like sin as one repents. However, it did not go away. Rather, I began to feel peace in knowing the Lord would help me deal with it. I felt humbled and recognized my dependence on the mercy and grace of the Savior. I fully embraced the fact that perfection could not come on my own. Once the consequences of my weaknesses were being resolved and my fears were lessened, I could feel myself becoming more selfless, sensitive, and easygoing. Through the Lord’s grace, I do not take myself too seriously, I enjoy helping people feel comfortable and happy, and I feel comfortable being myself.
I have witnessed how my weakness has helped me to be strong in Christ. For example, while serving as a bishop, I had many opportunities to meet with individuals and counsel with them. Time and time again I felt the Spirit fill my heart and mind with what to say. In these moments, if I had been worried about saying things exactly the right way, with preplanned precision, the flow of the Lord’s Spirit would have been stopped. As I relied on the Lord in my weakness, he “loosed my tongue” and “opened my mouth” at the very moments I needed it.9 Fortunately, through the Lord’s tender mercies, He blessed two people in those interviews: the person seeking inspired counsel and me, that my fears would be softened.
Now, let me just say that although my weakness has not been taken away, it has helped me become strong, because it enables me to turn to the Lord, rely on Him, and recognize the power of the Atonement in my life. For that reason, I have come to refer to my continuing weakness as my “sacred struggle.” The power of the Atonement is designed not only to free us from sin but also to strengthen us in the presence of our weakness. I have learned to be grateful for my gifts of weakness and to acknowledge that the Lord has helped me become better, stronger, and happier because of them.
As I have studied the scriptures and learned about strengths and weaknesses, I have noticed a pattern that appears over and over again. Today, let’s review a scriptural pattern from the words of Moroni in Ether 12:27 and ponder its application to each of our lives.
In Ether 12:27 we read:
And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.
From this verse, I’d like to share the five A’s of finding strength in Christ. As we review the verse, I invite you to consider how you can apply these A’s to your own circumstances and to your own weaknesses. Here is the pattern for finding strength in Christ:
1. Accept Christ’s invitation to come to Him.
2. Ascertain our God-given weaknesses.
3. Appreciate weaknesses as gifts to help us be humble.
4. Allow Christ’s grace to strengthen and enable us.
5. Acknowledge that “when I am weak, then am I strong.”10
Verse 23 is given in response to Moroni’s fear that his words will be seen as weak and awkward or that they may be criticized by us when we read them in the latter days: “The Gentiles will mock at these things, because of our weakness in writing.”11
To this the Lord reassures the prophet, “My grace is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advantage of your weakness.”12
Personally, I think that Moroni is “a literary genius”13 and among the great heroes of all time. Yet, at the time he lived, Moroni was concerned that his writings would not in some way measure up.
1. Accept Christ’s Invitation to Come to Him The first step in finding strength in Christ is to accept Christ’s invitation to come to Him. In Ether 12:27 the Lord said that “if men come unto [Him]” He will bless them. The Lord always provides an invitation to us when He wants to bless us. He loves us unconditionally and wants us to choose to come to Him. Coming unto Jesus is the source of being happy and is the test of our existence. So, when we choose to come to Him, He will give us what we need.
2. Ascertain Our God-Given Weaknesses Once we accept Christ’s invitation to come to Him, we are ready to ascertain our God-given weaknesses. Remember, in Ether 12:27 the Lord said, “I will show unto them their weakness.” With the Lord’s help, we must recognize and understand our weakness. Weakness is defined as “the condition of being mortal and lacking ability, strength, or skill.”14 Weaknesses exist because we live in an imperfect state as “natural”—or mortal—men and women. Examples of weakness include being disorganized or short-tempered; having a tendency toward a personality challenge; having a defect or failing in athletics, music, public speaking, or writing; or having challenges with physical or financial circumstances. However, these weaknesses need not be seen as liabilities. In reality, these and other weaknesses can be assets because of what they may do for us.
Now, let me make a clarification here. There is a difference between weakness and sin. Sin is a conscious act that violates God’s law, and sinners often desire to hide or mask their sins from others. Weaknesses are not choices but are hallowed gifts from God, and thus they are not sins. God-given weaknesses do not require repentance, since they are gifts to help us humbly rely on God and love and assist others. Fortunately, the Atonement is always available for you and me when we depend upon Him because of our sins and weaknesses. Thus our weaknesses become another important way for us to rely upon the Lord’s Atonement throughout our lives.
I love the Prophet Joseph Smith. I honor him for his example and his dedication to the Lord and to the Restoration of the gospel. I find great comfort in knowing that even this incredible prophet struggled through his weaknesses. Three years following the young prophet’s vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, Joseph was humbled by the persecutions he had been experiencing. In fact, he said, “I often felt condemned for my weakness and imperfections.”15 So, isn’t it wonderful that none of us are exempt from weaknesses? They truly are gifts from God.
3. Appreciate Weaknesses as Gifts to Help Us Be Humble Once we accept Christ’s invitation to come to Him and ascertain our God-given weaknesses, the third step in finding strength in Christ is learning to appreciate our weaknesses as gifts to help us be humble. In verse 27 of Ether 12, the Lord said, “I give unto men weakness that they may be humble.” We are each blessed by Heavenly Father with gifts of strength and gifts of weakness. Each type of gift is a prized possession. Sometimes we may want only the kinds of gifts that are recognized as strengths. But a life of all strengths would actually be quite dull and would not allow us to grow in the ways the Lord desires.
It is clear from the scriptures that God gives men weaknesses. Christ knows our weaknesses, and He promises: “He that is weak among you hereafter shall be made strong.”16 However, some may mistakenly believe that if we follow the Lord then everything will become easier and less problematic. Living the gospel does not ensure that we will not experience any pain or challenges, but it does provide an assurance when challenges do come. We may wonder why a loving Heavenly Father wants us to see our weaknesses. Heavenly Father wants to bless us and help us grow. That is the point of mortality. As we see and recognize our weaknesses, we are humbled, and we turn to the Lord for help.
I am reminded of a humorous story told by Sheri L. Dew. She told of a mother of eight children who one afternoon was briefly frazzled with weakness as she worked with her young children. She called her husband for comfort at that difficult moment.
With humor in her voice she said to her husband, “Remind me, why did we have eight children?”
To this he replied, “Because the Lord knew we could have handled seven just fine.”17
This story may relate to our weaknesses—the Lord gives us weaknesses plus sometimes even a little bit more so that we can grow and stretch and become who He wants us to become.
We can grumble about our weaknesses and try to ignore them, or we can embrace the challenges to be stretched and to grow. Weaknesses are all about our humility, not about our liabilities. When we actively approach our weaknesses in humility and with grace, our mortal journey will be rewarding, with indescribable glimpses of eternal joy. The key is to be humble, to seek the Lord for help, and to glory in the grace of Jesus Christ!
4. Allow Christ’s Grace to Strengthen and Enable Us Now, let’s once more read Moroni’s counsel in verse 27 in Ether 12:
If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me.
If we are willing to humble ourselves, the Lord promises, “My grace is sufficient.” The key phrase is “my grace is sufficient.” In the Bible Dictionary, grace is defined as “an enabling power” and a “divine means of help or strength, given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.”18 The connection between humility and grace is critical, because when there is “‘sufficient humility’ in us, Christ pours down sufficient grace [to compensate for what we lack]. That grace purges, cleanses, heals, and strengthens.”19
When Elder David A. Bednar was newly sustained as an apostle, he declared that he was among the weakest of the world. Yet he shared the significance of the Lord’s grace:
The enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity.20
5. Acknowledge That “When I Am Weak, Then Am I Strong” The final and fifth step to finding strength in Christ is to acknowledge that “when I am weak, then am I strong.” The Lord reminded us in Ether 12, “For if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” And, just a few verses later, the Lord promised Moroni, “Because thou hast seen thy weakness thou shalt be made strong, even unto the sitting down in the place which I have prepared in the mansions of my Father.”21
Wow! This is a hopeful and inspiring message! This refining and polishing process is among the most sacred experiences we can hope for. This process is not about being weak or infirm because of weakness. It is about being made strong through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Please remember that humility and grace qualify us for the Atonement. The Prophet Joseph Smith’s experience in Liberty Jail illustrates how profound humility leads to profound grace and eternal blessings. For four months the Prophet and several others unjustly experienced severe struggles in the miserable circumstances of the jail. But after Joseph’s heartfelt pleading, the Savior comforted him often and reassured him with these words: “Know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.”22 Thus the Lord focused on blessing each prisoner in his heart and soul—not changing their physical circumstances until several weeks later.
The role of the Atonement is to transform us, not our weaknesses. We may feel imprisoned at times by our weakness, trial, sin, or pain, but the way the Atonement helps us is by changing us—not necessarily by taking away weaknesses, trials, sin, or pain. The Lord’s goal is to strengthen, build, and develop our capacity through the Atonement—a process we may call perfection.
We learn and grow from our experiences, our weaknesses, and our trials. While we can overcome some weaknesses, most stay with us for many years or throughout mortality. Weaknesses that linger can provide defining moments for us in becoming the men and women God has sent us here to become. Additionally, the Atonement is available to pay for the effect of our weaknesses upon others. Weaknesses manifest between couples or families are probably the most important for us to deal with. That said, it is also important for each of us to be tolerant of others’ weaknesses. Thus, in Heavenly Father’s glorious plan, our weaknesses and challenges can keep us holding fast to the Lord, feeling supported by the Lord, and experiencing indescribable joy, peace, and love from the Lord.
So, as a review, the five A’s for finding strength in Christ are as follows:
1. Accept Christ’s invitation to come to Him.
2. Ascertain our God-given weaknesses.
3. Appreciate weaknesses as gifts to help us be humble.
4. Allow Christ’s grace to strengthen and enable us.
5. Acknowledge that “when I am weak, then am I strong.”
Now, let me share one of my favorite scriptures pertaining to weaknesses, found in 2 Corinthians 12:7–10. In his letters to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul shared a personal way to see a weakness that was given to him by Heavenly Father.
In verse 7 he provided a descriptive representation of his weakness:
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh.
In his case, Paul knew that he had received this gift of weakness so that he could be humble. But, because of his metaphor of a thorn, it does not appear that he wanted this weakness to stick around.
In verse 8 we learn his response to his unwanted gift. As we review this verse, think of its similarity to what Moroni taught in Ether 12. Paul said:
For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.
I take great comfort in knowing that Paul’s original feeling was to ask God to help him get rid of this weakness—even to the point of asking Heavenly Father three times to take it away. However, after three pleadings to Heavenly Father, Paul accepted the Lord’s answer. In verse 9 we read:
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. [And now my favorite part:] Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Please notice the marvelous transformation that Paul experienced as he humbly approached Heavenly Father with his weakness. Because of the peace, love, comfort, and strength granted him through the Atonement of Christ, he learned to gladly welcome his weaknesses.
In verse 10, we then learn the following redeeming promise:
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities . . . : for when I am weak, then am I strong.
Paul’s powerful example illustrates the wonder and majesty of the Lord in helping each of us become strong through our weaknesses.
In conclusion, I testify that once you and I come to know our God-given weaknesses, we will begin to see the marvelous plan of the Lord and increasingly view the Atonement in a new and wonderful way. The Atonement is the source of the strength we need. This divine power will become active as we rely on the Savior through humility and grace. Then we can testify, as the Apostle Paul declared, “I take pleasure in infirmities . . . : for when I am weak, then am I strong.”
I encourage you to start today. Accept Christ’s invitation to come to Him and begin your own journey and experience of seeing the Atonement’s influence on your weaknesses. I encourage each of us to pay attention to the feelings and impressions we have received. If you have not already done so, may I encourage you to write down those spiritual impressions and make a determination to follow the promptings you have received. Paying attention to those impressions is more important than the words you have heard.
I testify that the Lord is ready now to be a growing part of our lives. He seeks to do this by helping us overcome sin. He seeks to provide comfort and assistance when we face trials, struggles, or challenges. And, as we have considered today, He also seeks to be part of our lives by helping us become strong through our weaknesses.
I am humbled and profoundly grateful for the grace and love that I have felt when I have turned to the Lord with these needs. With all my heart, I know He lives and has the capacity to lead us back to our Heavenly Father. We can become perfect in Christ and thus be filled with the Lord’s blessings of joy, peace, and love. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Notes 1. James E. Faust, “The Power of Self-Mastery,” Ensign, May 2000, 44–45.
2. Roderick L. Cameron, Tenacity, speech given for the Grant Oratorical Contest, in Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year (1 December 1964), 3; quoted in Faust, “Power,” 45; see Heber J. Grant, Gospel Standards, comp. G. Homer Durham (Salt Lake City: Improvement Era, 1941), 342–43.
3. Bryant S. Hinckley, Heber J. Grant: Highlights in the Life of a Great Leader (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1951), 40; quoted in David C. Call, Success—Spiritual and Temporal, speech given for the Grant Oratorical Contest, in Brigham Young University Speeches of the Year (30 November 1965), 5–6; also quoted in Faust, “Power,” 45.
4. Cameron, Tenacity, 2; quoted in Faust, “Power,” 45; see Grant, Gospel Standards, 351.
5. Heber J. Grant, in CR, April 1900, 61; quoted in Faust, “Power,” 45; see “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow,” Hymns, 1985, no. 242.
6. Cameron, Tenacity, 2–3; quoted in Faust, “Power,” 45; see Grant, Gospel Standards, 354.
7. Faust, “Power,” 45.
8. See Grant, Gospel Standards, 355; quoted in Faust, “Power,” 45.
9. See 3 Nephi 26:14, 16.
10. 2 Corinthians 12:10.
11. Ether 12:23.
12. Ether 12:26.
13. Truman G. Madsen, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, February 1985, 49.
14. Guide to the Scriptures, s.v. “weakness,” online at under Scriptures.
15. JS—H 1:29.
16. D&C 50:16; see also Jacob 4:6–7 and D&C 62:1.
17. Sheri Dew, God Wants a Powerful People (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2007), 89; emphasis in original.
18. Bible Dictionary, s.v. “grace,” 697.
19. Madsen, “Question,” 50.
20. David A. Bednar, “In the Strength of the Lord,” Ensign, November 2004, 77.
21. Ether 12:37.
22. D&C 122:7.
Additional Reading
D&C 1:17, 19–24; D&C 50:26, 44; D&C 62:1; Jacob 4:7; Moroni 10:32–33.
© Brigham Young University. All rights reserved.


Monday, June 24, 2013

The Family Hike Field trip... and a story of prayer.....

Mom Wanted to Do a family hike last week after my voice lesson. Mom likes to do weekly field trips during the summer... It was all going great, aside from the slight sprinkling which brought on some complaints but we live in Oregon and if we waited for the Sun to do everything we would do a lot of waiting... Anyways, mom wanted to take it a little slower to enjoy the scenery but all the kids like going a little faster trying to get through the hike quickly... I tried to take it more relaxing but I wanted a good work out and ended up in a little higher gear with Isaiah so Conner and mom enjoyed the trail a little more and all the scenery around them... then we waited at a cross point.... and waited..... and they weren't coming. Finally we yelled out and mom had sprained her ankle! She wanted to keep going and didn't want to ruin the hike but man she was not moving very fast. We told her it wouldn't be good to keep putting weight on it so Isaiah Conner and I ran up the hill to get the car and mom and Maddie stayed by the road (the cross point) til we came back for them. We had gone to Cape Perpetua and driven to the top of the hike and had only gone down hill to the point we stopped with mom, so it was a trek back up I tell you. After about a minute or so of running we were a huffing and a puffing. At the top of the trail the fog was still in and the side of the hill reminded me of the Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit and their great journeys across the mountains. Boy did I get my work out in lol. Following the "hike" we decided to tour a little part of Yahats. There was this really cute kitchen gadget shop and a candy shop we checked out, it was fun. We got hungry on the way home and Isaiah wanted us to try "the best shakes" in Waldport so we got a small one to share and then got to have lunch at Mazetlan! So mom got hurt and that wasn't so cool but we still had a good time together and mom was a sport about it.

I got my job! Even though I am wearing a khaki shirt and green pants I like it. I felt I looked very official with keys on my belt loop and the badges and such on my shirt. The first few days of work were really hard... all computer work and watching to begin the training.... I was also having a down time in the month and was frustrated. I wanted to start my job feeling excited for something new and wanting to go.... but because of the chemicals in my body I just felt down and awful. After day two I wanted to quit so bad inside. I was feeling negative and if you feed those negative feelings it just gets worse.... so I decided to pray. I wanted to be more positive and I even thanked Heavenly Father for giving me a fighting spirit, because no matter how much I wanted to and thought about quitting something inside me would not let me. I knew I needed this job and it would get better and I had to do it. I knew it would help me prepare for school and would be a great blessing to me. So even though I was frustrated in my prayer and let out those frustrations to my Heavenly Father I could not help but thank him for the good and plead for help. That in itself was a blessing, that my spirit was aided to pray for help and share gratitude a midst the trials I was facing inside. I also was blessed to be supported by great friends and family members who helped encourage me even though it was difficult.. on day three of the job I woke up a little earlier than planned and prayed for desire to get out of bed extra early so I could get some things done before work. I read my scriptures and pondered. I prayed. I did a ten minute circuit. I listened to scriptures while I got ready.... I wanted to show the Lord that He is number one and he blessed me for it. I felt strengthened and more positive. Work was better and I was better, it was amazing! I usually don't get out of a funk like that so quickly but the Lord enabled me and I was blessed! It was a beautiful example of the Strengthening and Enabling Power of the Lord which comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I stayed up late to watch a movie with the family that night.... not such a good idea. I woke up pretty tired. I got to work and was really tired,... so I prayed. I said "Heavenly Father last night I wanted to start the movie earlier but the family had delays and I couldn't help it. I choose to follow they commandment and don't drink coffee so wilt thou bless me with energy since I am keeping the commandments?" And He did. See D&C 89... It says if we follow the word of wisdom we will be able to run and not be weary and walk and not faint... I was blessed. Prayer is a form of strength and power, use it. Access the power of God in your life. Pray! Be Grateful! We are so blessed and God is ever willing to help and bless us more. Don't give up! Here are two songs to help you keep going if you're struggling. Buy these songs! They are amazing!!!!!!

Father's Day Weekend!

So mom and I were having a hard time sleeping for several nights in a row (mom always struggles sleeping, but there were two nights that I was having the same problem... it was 3:30 am and we were both awake.... I tried to lay back down for a short while and came up stairs at 5 something when I woke up again.... by 6:00 we decided we wanted to do something fun! Build a memory. Mom and I drove out to pig and pancake and then did the shopping for fathers day. I thought I had chosen a pretty healthy meal, it took up all of my weight watcher points for the day! lol I will have to just have cereal next time or plan ahead...... Shopping was great because there was no one there and we were able to get in and out quickly....

                                                      Look at those two sleep deprived Hotties!

Father's Day was a blast! We did a little surprise that I found on Pintrest that the kids helped me put together for his treat. Isaiah BBQ-ed and Maddie made dad a crown. They all helped me cut and tape together the following:

Game/Party Night

After Maddie had such a wonderful time at our Hawaiian party she decided to throw a surprise party for the family! We were having game night but she only played for a short while because she wanted to set up for the "party"..... She was so creative! We started off going to the zoo in the corner of the living room and took turns holding Simba, a horse beanie baby (which she saved in a special place for me to hold because she knew I loved horses) and other animals i'm sure but I clear forgot. Following that was the talent show. Maddie shared her talent with us. She did the Cup song from pitch perfect (she hasn't seen the movie I just had the music and she saw some girls do it at the talent show at her school and she had me teach her how to do the cup song)..... Following the song we had reading time, but she set out a special area for me to draw. She likes drawing and ever since I did the bathroom she has been asking me to draw with her or is drawing on her own and anyways she made me feel really special. Lastly we had dress up time. The boys looked great when they were made over! Maddie painted toes and gave us lipstick options. Isaiah's won't come off and it's been over a week! I haven't told him the trick (nail polish remover) to taking it off, it's just too fun seeing one toe painted!

Schools OUT!

So I got an interview for a job at Beverly Beach state park on my siblings last day of school. Mom decided to go with me and following the interview decided she wanted to throw a party for the kids! (Growing up I remembered her doing this).... This is how it went! We did a Hawaiian theme. I made homemade slushies, which the kids loved! They make them all the time now. Mom did cute fruit kabobs with pineapple, apples,m apples, bananas and grapes. She warmed up Richardson's Caramel and Isaiah thought it was amazing. We also threw in Hot dogs for anyone who wanted a hot dog. We made salsa and had tortilla chips to go with it.... it isn't exactly a Hawaiian food but at a Marchant Hawaiian party it is part of it. We had vegetables and yogurt ranch to dip them it. We also confetti-ed the table with different fruity candies and one chocolate candy just for fun. We are all about fun!

Bathrooms Finished!

The Bathroom is finished! After hours and hours of drawing and erasing and drawing and erasing and painting I finished. It was so fun! I have never had such a big canvas, I was so grateful my family was so supportive of me doing this and that I was able to venture out on this great task! I did do a top coat of Disney glitter paint but you can't tell in the pics.... I had to fully disneyfy it.





All This didn't happen overnight. It was definetly a process. I wanted Belle's hand to look a little more real even though it's a cartoon so I took a picture of my hand to used that as a template... So I am officially a part of Belle. I have a few pics of some of the images in the makings....

Sunday, June 9, 2013


So I read something at the bookstore the other day, it read:

 "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning , but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

I thought that was pretty neat... So now that I am back home I have had the opportunity to be creative thanks to my wonderfully supportive mother.

Lara, a friend of mine graduated high school this June and I woke up on the day or her graduation and wanted to do something special. She is a harry Potter fan and a very creative person so this is what I came up with

I didn't have tons of money, but girls love getting flowers so I decided to make her flowers! I had never done flowers on cupcakes before so I watched a tutorial and I was really happy with the results. I got the owl idea partially from pintrest... but I burned the edges of a brown lunch sack that I cut to look like a piece of old paper... On the scroll I wrote  "Congratulations on passing your OWL's , you may now graduate! Sincerely, Hogwarts Headmaster Lindsey Marchant" and I attached it to the bottom of the "owl" or balloon. It was a bast and really easy to make.

A few days previous to my flower arrangement project mom and I went on another adventure together... We went out to the store and bought "Disney Paint" (they have a new line of paint at Walmart). We got Cool Marine, Enchanted Violet and glitter paint. After we got all of the big paints for the walls I headed to the craft section for acrylic paints. Mom came over to the aisle a few minutes after me and found me sitting on the ground looking at the different paint colors and several paint bottles on the floor next me. I didn't care, I needed to look carefully at the colors and make sure they matched the princesses I was painting and that was serious business. I ended up grabbing at least twenty paint bottles... Together we painted two walls of the bathroom that night, Enchanted Violet on two walls and cool marine on the others. It was so fun to have her in there with me working on a project that was all fun! It is moments like those that remind me that life is meant to be taken slowly and as simply as possible so that we can enjoy all that God has to offer us.
 The next day though, the real work began,... and is still going on. For eight hours straight I worked on Ariel. It was a long fun day. I struggled doing the water at first but mom came down and gave me a hand and I was happy with it. I hadn't eaten for many hours cause I was so focused so mom helped me put together a lunch... Here is the lunch of an artist...... I had a small bowl of fruit too! I was so proud of my healthy lunch I needed to share...

After 8 hours, this is the freehand drawn/painted Ariel.....

It took me about a week to get into the bathroom again because Ariel was so exhausting! Let me add, before I draw each princess on the wall I draw her on paper for practice. Then I say a prayer and ask Heavenly Father to help me in my project...

This is the Cinderella Transformation! 
I still have Tangled, Belle and the Tower to complete... But here is what the bathroom looks like in the process of finishing this project... Truly an artist studio...

Aside from my creative projects I have had other opportunities to create.... My sister Madison turned 8 and was baptized! She asked me to sing at her baptism. I sang I am a child of God/Families can be together forever, arranged by my sister Kristy! It is a beautiful piece... How is this a form of creation? President Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave an address to women and said the following:

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before.
Everyone can create. You don’t need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty.
Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty—and I am not talking about the process of cleaning the rooms of your teenage children.
You might say, “I’m not the creative type. When I sing, I’m always half a tone above or below the note. I cannot draw a line without a ruler. And the only practical use for my homemade bread is as a paperweight or as a doorstop.”
If that is how you feel, think again, and remember that you are spirit daughters of the most creative Being in the universe. Isn’t it remarkable to think that your very spirits are fashioned by an endlessly creative and eternally compassionate God? Think about it—your spirit body is a masterpiece, created with a beauty, function, and capacity beyond imagination.
But to what end were we created? We were created with the express purpose and potential of experiencing a fulness of joy. 4 Our birthright—and the purpose of our great voyage on this earth—is to seek and experience eternal happiness. One of the ways we find this is by creating things.
If you are a mother, you participate with God in His work of creation—not only by providing physical bodies for your children but also by teaching and nurturing them. If you are not a mother now, the creative talents you develop will prepare you for that day, in this life or the next.
You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us. 5 The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.
What you create doesn’t have to be perfect. So what if the eggs are greasy or the toast is burned? Don’t let fear of failure discourage you. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside.
If you still feel incapable of creating, start small. Try to see how many smiles you can create, write a letter of appreciation, learn a new skill, identify a space and beautify it.
Nearly a century and a half ago, President Brigham Young spoke to the Saints of his day. “There is a great work for the Saints to do,” he said. “Progress, and improve upon and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth, and cultivate your minds. Build cities, adorn your habitations, make gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and render the earth so pleasant that when you look upon your labors you may do so with pleasure, and that angels may delight to come and visit your beautiful locations. In the mean time continually seek to adorn your minds with all the graces of the Spirit of Christ.” 6
The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create. That is your opportunity in this life and your destiny in the life to come. Sisters, trust and rely on the Spirit. As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you." 
Here is a link to the whole talk if you want to read more:
Lastly, I just wanted to share that I am so grateful for the simple things in life. I noticed my dad was going to be going on a bike ride by himself and I had a feeling he would like some company so I decided to join him. When I stepped into the garage there was my dad in his wet suit! The weather in Oregon isn't the greatest and we had had some rain that would make our bike ride a little muddy. First thing he said was Lindsey do you want a wet suit? I would recommend a wet suit. My dad is the type, use it up wear it out make it do or do with out. He doesn't have a bike suit and didn't want his close all muddy so he compromised. I am sad to say my I just couldn't get myself to wear a wet suit for a bike ride but I am so grateful my dad is such a good example of making do with what you have and of not caring what others think. He does the best that he and what he feels is right and that is good enough for him.... A lesson I needed. 
Another note, Madison my sister decided to do the science fair this week. She and mom tried an experiment that creates crystals with epson salt and water.... It was to show what mother nature does on her own sometimes... anyways it didn't work. They wern't getting any crystals. Maddie still wanted to do the science fair so she beautifully decorated a poster board and was planning on just talking about her project. The morning of the science fair I wanted to make it work for her. I remember reading about her project and saw that the heat of the sun would make the crystals grow.... well we didn't have enough sun when she put it out because it was already evening.. so I was guided by the spirit to use a hair dryer! Two actually and it worked! I used some artificial means but the crystals appeared! Now this sounds like no big deal, but my mom took it over to Maddie that day and she was elated! She was so excited that we got the crystals to grow. Mom told me how happy she had been and I felt so good. I was on my way to the post office to send out a pkg. for my brother's (Kyle who is serving a mission) birthday and was just so happy inside. I had delayed my plans that day to help my sister and boy did I feel good! Life is so much more fulfilling when we are helping others!
Life is good and it is the little things that count. Create! Have fun and serve others and therein you will find joy.